Tournaments are On – Updated Rules
We are back on to have tournaments as we are have 17 counties moving to green, also on May 29, include Bradford, Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Montour, Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga, Venango and Warren. To ensure we are limiting everyones exposure at our tournaments here Read more…
Tournaments Postponed until Green
Ok everyone after talking with the parks and getting the most up to date information we think it’s in the clubs best interest to postponed our tournaments until we have been cleared to continue. We have been informed by the Fish Commission and the Parks Service that until the counties Read more…
Wilhelm – April 5th is Cancelled
Wilhelm tournament will be rescheduled to a later date due to the parks shutting down and not allowing events at this time. We will keep everyone posted on Pymie and what’s to come. Stay safe and hope to see everyone soon.
2019 Banquet and 2020 Kickoff Meeting
2019 Banquet and 2020 Kickoff Meeting – December 15th at the PNA from 1p-5p We are now open to start taking membership applications and votes on where you want to fish in 2020. You can mail your application and voting ballot to Brian Novobilsky or you can bring them to Read more…
Tournament Results
Springdale Allegheny River 2019
Springdale Allegheny River 2019 Results from October 6, 2019